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The latest news from Echoing Hills

Yes, we are blessed!

As open enrollment meetings take place at our locations throughout the state of Ohio, it’s a good time to think about just how blessed we are.

I was sitting in the meeting at our corporate location, and I realized how sometimes the everyday things get lost in the shuffle of the busyness of our lives. I listened to the benefits that come with having healthcare and I became suddenly very aware of just how fortunate we are. Medical, dental, vision, fsa, short term, long term and more, not everyone has those vast blessings where they live or where they work…but we do, and it makes an enormous difference in our lives.

Just to know that medical care, and in this country great medical care, is available to us and that we have the insurance to help fund that care…what can I say, that’s huge!

Echoing Hills has always make the best efforts to take care of their employees and they continue to do that in every way possible. Today, I am thankful for the privilege to have these amazing benefits and rights to great care.

Don’t forget to be thankful for the little things and the not so little things in your life!

God Bless!

Love. Learn. Worship.

© 2024 by Echoing Hills